Anne Muzard
Anne Muzard joined LBMB in 2004 after working as a jurist in a large French property development company. She became a notary in 2009 and a partner in 2014.
She assists French and international investors and developers, particularly in acquisitions and real estate asset sales transactions. She also works with key players in mass distribution.
Anne Muzard is a member and the Vice-President (since 2008) of Ajedim-Assas, an association of real estate legal professionals and students of the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas.
She is an active contributor to the ongoing work of the Congress of French Notaries. She was the Rapporteur of the third commission of the 112th Congress of Notaries that took place in Nantes in 2016 on the theme, “Real estate ownership, between liberty and constraints” and is the President of the third commission of the 116th Congress of Notaries to be held in 2020.
Anne Muzard has been a lecturer at the University of Paris II-Panthéon Assas since 2016.
+33 (0) 1 47 66 96 56